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Quantum Barsaat 2024 | July 20 - August 13, 2024

Quantum Barsaat 2024 is a series of workshops on quantum computing organized by QPakistan in collaboration with QWorld. The workshop series is conducted online, is completely free, and open to any person. We encourage high school, undergraduate, and graduate students and lifelong learners to register for one or more workshops.

Register Now! Last date to register is 18 July 2024.


The Workshops

There are four workshops, the first of which is optional. For each day of each workshop, participants are expected to (a) attend the daily 1.5-hour lecture (b) work their way through the Jupyter notebooks for that day, and (c) complete quizzes and assignments on Canvas. For each day, participants are expected to work about 4 hours outside of the lecture. Participants may ask for and will get help from the mentors in the Discord server.

The dates and associated topics for each workshop are given below.

QPrep (optional)

QPrep is QWorld’s introductory-level workshop series. The workshop focuses on the basics of programming and mathematics needed for quantum computing. The programming language taught will be Python. There are no prerequisites for this workshop. This is an optional workshop for those who need to revise or understand pre-requisites for the quantum workshops.

Both lectures will start at 3 pm GMT+5.

Day 1 | July 20
Python Review: the basic structures in Python such as variables, loops, conditionals, and lists

Day 2 | July 21
Basic Math: vectors and matrices

All remaining lectures will start at 10:00 am GMT+5.


Bronze-Qiskit is QWorld’s introductory-level quantum programming workshop series. The series contain Jupyter notebooks with numerous programming tasks for hands-on experience. Bronze uses Qiskit as the quantum programming framework. The prerequisite for this workshop is QPrep or an understanding of Linear Algebra and Python.

Day 1 | July 22
One Bit | Coin Flipping | Coin Flipping Game | Probabilistic States | Probabilistic Operators | Two Probabilistic Bits

Day 2 | July 23
Quantum Coin Flipping | First Quantum Programs with Qiskit | Hadamard Operator | One Qubit | Quantum State | Superposition and Measurement | Visualization of a (Real-Valued) Qubit

Day 3 | July 24
Operations on the Unit Circle | Rotations | Reflections | Quantum Tomography | Two Qubits | Phase Kickback

Day 4 | July 25
Entanglement and Superdense Coding | Quantum Teleportation | Multiple Control Constructions

Day 5 | July 26
Inversion About the Mean | Grover’s Search: One Qubit Representation | Grover’s Search: Implementation


QCobalt is QWorld’s advanced-level quantum programming workshop series. The series contains Jupyter notebooks focused on combinatorial optimization problems and Ising formulations. QCobalt uses D-Wave’s Ocean SDK as the programming framework. The prerequisite for this workshop is QBronze.

Day 1 | July 30
Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Day 2 | July 31
QUBO Formulation

Day 3 | Aug 1
Application for Binary Quadratic Model

Day 4 | Aug 2
Quantum Annealing

Quantum with String Diagrams

This workshop aims to give a comprehensive picture of Diagrammatic Quantum theory. Specifically, we will be studying mathematics based on diagrams and how it’s a perfect tool for understanding quantum theory. The goal of the workshop will be to focus on the rich mathematical structure of quantum theory but in a self-contained manner. No prior background is assumed although a background in linear algebra is recommended to make the material easy to digest along with getting an appreciation for this novel framework.

Day 1 | Aug 5
Processes as Diagrams (+ Intro to Diagrammatic Reasoning)

Day 2 | Aug 6
Special Processes and String Diagrams

Day 3 | Aug 7
New Processes from Old and Quantum Features (No Cloning + Teleportation)

Day 4 | Aug 8
Matrix Calculus

Day 5 | Aug 9
Complex Numbers and Quantum States

Day 6 | Aug 12
Quantum Maps and Processes (CP maps, Stinespring Dilation, Kraus Decomposition, No Broadcasting)

Day 7 | Aug 13
Quantum Picturalism

Technical and Language requirements

You will need a computer or laptop for this workshop. You will need to be able to install and run Python programs. Our workshops require you to work your way through a series of Jupyter notebooks.

We will use Discord to communicate with each other and conduct the workshop via Zoom meetings. During all workshops, mentors will be available to answer your questions and consult on the progress in learning. Jupyter notebooks and Zoom lectures will be in English, while mentoring will be available in English or local languages, depending on the mentor.

Certificate requirements

Each workshop comes with a set of homework conducted on our Canvas learning management system. Participants must earn at least 50% on each assessment and have an overall grade > 70% in a workshop’s assessments to earn a certificate for that workshop.

Our Team

Organizers: Jibran Rashid, Abdullah Khalid, Mah Noor
Leaders: Mah Noor (QPrep), Abdullah Khalid and Aroosa Ijaz (QBronze), Qasim Mahmood Raja (Quantum Pictorial), Syed Danial Haseeb (QCobalt)
Mentors: Muhammad Waqar Amin, Muhammad Usaid, Razeen Ud Din
Technical Staff: Kenneth Isamade (Canvas)

Contact: qpakistan [at] qworld.net

Code of Conduct#

Our event is dedicated to providing a harassment-free workshop experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any event venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event.

We respect minors (children under age 18) and we must make every effort to protect their rights. All private relationships, private communications (including social media channels), or sexual contacts with minors are prohibited.

The default communication channel between the organizers and participants is e-mail. Except for filing the application form, the contact info of any attendee or participant cannot be requested by any person from the organizer side (i.e., mentor, educator, speaker, organizer, sponsor, or volunteer). On the other hand, any person from the organizer side may share his or her contact info with a participant who is not a minor, upon request by the participant.

A minor can access the emails of the main organizers on the event’s website. If a minor interested in working with a person from organizer side for scientific or pedagogical purpose, then he or she should read this document before contacting this person:


If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the organizers immediately. You may also contact the members of the Ethics Committee of QWorld.
